Skype for Business Recording Features
Skype for Business Recording provides users with the ability to capture audio, video, instant messaging, screen sharing, PowerPoint slides, whiteboard activity, and polling during Skype for Business meetings and Skype for Business calls.
The Skype for Business Recording feature is not automatically enabled in each organisation. If you find that Skype for Business Recording doesn’t work, please contact your Local Administrator who can raise the request with [email protected].
Recording a meeting on Skype for Business
To record your meeting on Skype for Business:
- Start the meeting on Skype for Business
You must follow your local policy on informing participants that you are recording the meeting.
Skype for Business also displays the message “Recording has started” in the meeting window for all attendees to see.
2. To start recording, click the More Options icon (three dots).
3. Select Start Recording
Skype for Business will confirm that the recording has started.
If the start recording option is not available, your account has not been enabled for Skype for Business Recording. Contact your Local Administrator.
4. Use the recording controls at the bottom of the meeting screen to Pause or Stop recording.
5. Click on the blue dot to resume recording, if paused.
6. To see if anyone else is recording the call, point to the red recording button.
7. To finish the recording, click Stop Recording at the bottom of the meeting screen.
Skype for Business will confirm that the recording has stopped
Once the recording is stopped, a message will appear at the bottom right of the screen to confirm that the recording is available.
8. Click on the message to view the recording in Recording Manager.
Saving and Publishing a Recording
Use the Save and Publish options to rename the recording, choose where to store it and any content you want to exclude, e.g. chat conversations (IM), video, etc.
- Open Skype for Business and click Tools then Recording Manager.
- Select a recording and click Publish.
The option ‘Publish’ lets you rename the recording and save it to a different file location in the computer from where it can be shared with others
3. Type a new name for your recording in the Recording file name box.
4. To change the location of the recording, click Browse next to the Save to box. Select the
folder where you want to save the recording and click OK.
5. Click on Options and untick the boxes next to the content you want to exclude from the
published version.
Click OK to save your recording in the new location and with the content you selected.
Renaming a Recording
Use the Rename option to rename the recording in the Recording Manager
- Select a recording and click Rename.
The title of the recording becomes editable
2. Edit the name and press Enter or click Rename.
Deleting a Recording
Use the Delete option to delete the recording in the Recording Manager.
Select a recording and click Delete.
2. Select Yes to confirm deletion
Playing a Recording
Use the Play option to play the recording
- Select a recording and click Play.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Skype for Business call requires both users to be enabled for Recording in order to record a session
- Skype for Business meetings require the organiser to be enabled for Recording in order to record a session. For example, if you are the meeting organiser and have Recording enabled but a colleague in the same meeting doesn’t, you will be able to record but your colleague will not.
You should ensure that there is sufficient storage space on your local workstation and that recordings are stored in line with local data management policies.