Setting a mailbox delegate

If a user is due to go on leave, or they need an additional person to manage their mailbox (e.g. an assistant), you can set up delegates to manage their mailbox. Mailbox delegates can also be set by end users in both Outlook Web App (OWA) and the Outlook desktop application. You should only set delegate access on behalf of a user in line with local organisation policy when they are unable to do it them self, e.g. unexpected absence and they do not have access to a computer. You can set the following access levels: full access, send emails on behalf of the account owner or can send emails as the account owner

To set a mailbox delegate for a user’s account:

Click Admin in the navigation bar at the top of the screen and select User Management from the drop down menu

Select user management

Use the search box to find the account you wish to set an out of office for

Refer to the Searching for an Entry section for more information

Click on the user’s Display Name to open the User Details Page

Click the Delegate Mailbox button in the Actions box

click Delegate mailbox

There are three different levels of delegate mailbox access:

  • Send As: this permission allows the delegate to compose and send emails which appear to have been sent by the mailbox owner, from the owner’s mailbox itself.
  • Send on Behalf: this permission allows the delegate to compose and send emails from the owner’s mailbox, but recipients will see in the From line, that the message has been sent by the delegate on behalf of the mailbox owner.
  • Full access: this permission allows the delegate to open the owner’s mailbox and behave as the owner (including the ability to read, delete and write emails and create subfolders).

click on add under the relevant section

To set delegate permissions, click on Add under the relevant permissions box

Type in the delegate’s name into the search box.

You can narrow results by using Advanced Search e.g. filtering by organisation or searching for the user’s email address. Refer to the Searching for an Entry page for more information

Select the tick box to the left of the delegate’s Display Name and click Select

You can tick multiple boxes to add multiple delegates. If you need to remove a delegate, click remove under their email address

click crosses to remove

Click Update at the bottom of the page

You will be directed back to the Edit User Page

Click Update at the bottom of the page

The following message will be displayed:

success notification

Additional Information:

  • If the user doesn’t know how to set mailbox delegates, we recommend that you direct them to the Delegated and Shared Mailboxes module on the NHSmail 2 training and guidance pages where they will find the section “Giving delegate access to your mailbox”
Updated on 10/04/2019

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