Searching for emails
Click Mail in the navigation bar at the top right of the screen
If you know where the email you are looking for is located, select the appropriate folder or sub-folder on the left side of the screen; if you do not know it’s location, select Inbox
If you want to search for an email in a delegated mailbox, select that mailbox on the left side of the screen
Click on the search Mail and People search bar at the top of the screen and type in any identifying information, such as subject, recipient or any other keywords
Click on the magnifying glass icon to the right of the search bar
Select an option on the left side of the screen to further refine your search, such as only showing messages older than a week
If you select Entire mailbox, all of your folders will be searched. You can also search specifically within inbox, sent items, deleted items, drafts and any folders you have created
Click the cross in the search bar to return to the inbox
Moving junk emails
If you believe an email from someone you know has incorrectly been flagged as junk and appears in your junk folder, you can move it to your inbox
Right click on the email in the junk folder, select Move from the drop down list and then select More
Select the folder you would like to move the email to and click Move at the bottom of the window
The email will then be moved to that folder