Resource mailboxes

A Resource Mailbox (also known as a room or equipment mailbox) is a type of mailbox that can be used for booking meeting rooms or equipment. It is set up like a shared mailbox and has owners and members who have access to it and is an effective way to manage/book meeting rooms or equipment. Once set up, users can then include the meeting room or equipment by adding/inviting the Resource Mailbox to their meeting requests.

As a Resource Mailbox is set up like a shared mailbox, refer to Editing a Shared Mailbox  for more information on how to change any Resource Mailbox attributions following its creation

The steps to edit, transfer, delete and restore a Resource Mailbox remains the same as for a shared mailbox.

Additional Information:

  • A Resource Mailbox is pre-fixed with an organisation’s shortname
  • It has owners and members
  • It can be set up by Local Administrators
  • Data retention is the same as a personal mailbox as per the Data Retention and InformationManagement Policy
  • As it is set up like a shared mailbox, a password isn’t required to access this mailbox. Permission can be managed by Local Administrators
  • Standard mailbox size is 500 MB
  • If the mailbox isn’t actively monitored, an out of office message should be added so anyone attempting to send an email to a Resource Mailbox knows not to expect a reply

To create a Resource Mailbox:

Click Admin in the navigation bar at the top of the screen and select User Management from the drop down menu

selecting user management

Click Add at the top left of the screen and select Resource Mailbox from the drop down menu

Select Resource mailbox from the Add dropdown

As a Resource Mailbox is set up like a shared mailbox, refer to Creating a shared mailbox set up the rest of the mailbox

Handy Hint

An appropriate name should be used to help identify which resource (room/equipment) the mailbox applies to

To set up Resource Mailbox permissions:

To set up access to the mailbox, refer to Setting shared mailbox permissions.

To transfer a Resource Mailbox:

To transfer the mailbox, refer to Transferring a shared mailbox.

To delete a Resource Mailbox:

To delete the mailbox, refer to Deleting and restoring a shared mailbox.

To restore a Resource Mailbox:

To restore the mailbox, refer to Deleting and restoring a shared mailbox.

  • Resource Mailboxes can be restored within 30 days of the original date they were deleted. After that, they can no longer be restored
  • To perform a Bulk Edit of Resource Mailboxes, refer to Bulk editing users for guidance
Updated on 10/04/2019

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