You will need to reset a password for users who have forgotten their password. You must authenticate a user before you reset their password to ensure the security of the account is not being compromised. Refer to Authenticating a User for more information. If the account has been locked, this action will automatically unlock the user’s account. You will need to follow local organisation policy to communicate the user’s new password
Click Admin in the navigation bar at the top of the screen and select User Management from the drop down menu
Use the search box to find the account you wish to reset the password for
Refer to the Searching for an Entry section for more information
Click on the user’s Display Name to open the User Details Page
From the User Details page, click Reset Password in the Actions box
From the Reset Password screen, click Generate Password
A random password will be generated
Select the Require Password Change At Next Logon checkbox
This step is good practice and should be selected for all users
The user will have to change the temporary password to a new one when they next log in
Click Update
The following message will be displayed:
You should provide the user with their temporary password by following your local organisation policy for distributing passwords
Additional Information:
- Users can also reset their password from the self-service section of the Portal. Training materials have been provided to users on how to perform this action.
- If the user doesn’t know how to reset their password using the Portal, we recommend that you direct them to the Changing Your Password section of the Portal User Guide where they will find the information they need