NHSmail can be used by GOS Ophthalmic Contractors (GOS) and their optometrists & dispensing opticians to safely and securely exchange patient or sensitive information with other health and social care professionals.
This information is applicable to General Ophthalmic Contractors and their optometrists & dispensing opticians in England only.
If you already have an existing NHS email account and are unable to access it please call 03332001133 for further assistance or visit the FAQs.
Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) requirements
To access NHSmail, health and care organisations are required to have a Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) rating of ‘Standards Met’ or ‘Higher level’.
The DSPT can also be completed via https://www.qualityinoptometry.co.uk/ and a help video is available on https://help.optom-referrals.org/article/303-qio-tutorial-optical-dspt-checklist.
Please visit the DSPT registration page for further information.