Registering Dentists


NHSmail can be used by dentists to enable the safe and secure exchange of patient or sensitive information with other health and social care professionals.

To join NHSmail, please read through all the information below and follow the steps for your chosen registration route.

Note: The information below is applicable to dentists in England only.

COVID-19 update

Organisation Data Service guidance for private and NHS dental practices

The Organisation Data Service (ODS) assigns unique identifying codes to health and social care organisations.

ODS codes are a pre-requisite for dental practices joining NHSmail.

  • NHS dentists are issued an ODS code linked to their NHS contract.
  • Private dental practices can obtain an ODS code directly from the ODS team by contacting [email protected].

Note: ODS codes are matched with Care Quality Commission (CQC) data during the first two weeks of each month. Practices will be unable to register for NHSmail until this matching exercise has been completed.

If you have any difficulty using the code for NHSmail or with the NHSmail process, please contact the NHSmail team via [email protected].

Updated on 27/08/2021

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