New Outlook Web App 2013 features

There are a number of useful new features in Outlook Web App 2013 which will enhance your ability to use your email

Viewing emails by Conversations

The Conversations view groups messages and their replies in a single view, or conversation. All the messages in a conversation are displayed in the reading pane, no matter what folder they are stored in. For example, if you have received an email and then replied to it, the messages will appear above one another in the reading pane.

SFB viewing emails

By default, conversations view will be enabled
To disable conversations view:


  1. Click on Conversations by Date in the top left of the viewing pane and select Off

By disabling conversations view

SFB emails


Ignore conversations

To keep on-going email threads out of your inbox you can choose to ignore conversations started by others. For example, you may wish to ignore on-going conversations following a mailing list post. Ignoring emails will remove all emails related to that conversation from your inbox and will redirect them to your Deleted Items folder.


To ignore conversations:

  1. Right click on an email in your inbox and select Ignore

SFB emails

2. Click OK on the pop-up box to confirm that this conversation will re-direct to your Deleted Items folder

Delete email

For support on how to restore these message conversations, please refer to Recovering a deleted item in the user guide


Apps are new to Outlook Web App 2013 they work by analyse the content of incoming emails and automatically propose actions you might want to take. Refer to the Apps module of the user guide for more information.


Linked contacts

In Outlook Web App 2013, If you have two contact entries in your contact list for the same person, you will be able to merge all of the contact information into a single contact card to avoid duplication in your contact list

To link two contact entries:

1.  Click People in the navigation bar at the top right of the screen

SFB tab 3

2. Select the contact you wish to manage and view the contact card on the right side of the screen.

3. Click Manage… under Linked contacts on the contact card

SFB manage contact

If there is a suggested linked contact, it will appear under Suggested links in a new window

4. Select the suggested contact nameSFb contact

If there is no linked contact suggestion, you can search for a contact to link

5. Click Link

Link contact

6. Click OK at the top right of the screen to close the window

The contact will now show as a single entry in your contact list




If you wish to ignore the suggested linked contact, click Ignore

Updated on 04/04/2019

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