A shared mailbox (also known as a generic mailbox) is a type of mailbox that can be accessed by a group of users from the same organisation. The shared mailbox may be used for several reasons (e.g. a district nursing team may have a shared mailbox for incoming referrals that the entire team has access to so anyone on duty can read or action the email). If you are the owner of a shared mailbox, you can add and remove members and owners to the mailbox. To set up or delete a shared mailbox or change any other setting, contact your Local Administrator.
To manage your shared mailbox:
1. Log in to your NHSmail account via the Portal
2. Click Profile in the navigation bar at the top of the screen
3. Click Shared Mailboxes at the top right of the screen
4. Click the Magnifying Icon
A list of mailboxes that you are an owner of will be listed automatically
5. Click the Display Name of the mailbox you want to manage
6. Click the Add to add Members or Users to the shared mailbox
You can also remove members or users by clicking the red cross next to their email address
7.Type the user’s name into the search box
Refer to the Searching for an Entry section for more information
8. Click Update at the bottom of the page