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Incident & Service Request Ticket Types

The NHSmail Helpdesk Self-Service allows both Incident and Service Request ticket types to be raised. As it can sometimes become confusing as to which ticket type is most appropriate, the following aims to provide some further clarity which can be used when raising tickets via the NHSmail Helpdesk Self-Service.


An incident relating to service can be defined as an unplanned interruption or reduction in the quality of an IT service. Incidents should be raised in scenarios where an NHSmail service is no longer functioning as per design/specification. In many cases, a user who raises an incident will not be aware of where the specific issue resides however, by sharing as much information as possible with the NHSmail Helpdesk, will enable the appropriate support teams to investigate and perform the necessary remedial action.

Examples of a typical IT service related incident scenario include:


  • A user receives an error message after successfully logging in to the service with their account credentials.
  • A user can access and utilise a service however experiences a significant degrade in performance which intermittently displays errors relating to connectivity timeouts.

Service Request

A Service Request is defined as a request for information, advice, a standard change or access to a service. In some cases, Incidents can be confused with Service Requests for example, a user may incorrectly raise an incident as a result of not having valid credentials to access a service. As the service is available and functioning as intended, a Service Request should be raised for the user to access the required service.

Examples of a typical IT service Request scenario include:

  • A user requires access to a service and cannot login due to not possessing the necessary login credentials.
  • A user has reached their agreed storage quota limit which is preventing the ability to continue using the full functionality of the service.


Updated on 15/05/2019
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