Once you have received your log-in details, go to www.nhs.net where you can access
your email account and visit the support pages for help and guidance.
- Go to www.nhs.net
- Click ‘Login’ at the top right hand corner of the screen
- Enter your username (top box) and password (bottom box). Ensure you either select
(if no-one else uses the computer) or de-select (if others use the computer) the option ‘This is a private computer’ to protect your mailbox data.
N.B. If you de-select ‘This is a private computer’ you will not be able to download
attachments and will only be able to view them as a web page.
- You are now on the Portal homepage and should use the ‘Email’ menu option to
access your mailbox
When you log-in for the first time you will be asked to change your password
Password requirements:
- Password must NOT include your username (pre-fix of your email address)
- It must contain a mix of three out of the following four character types:
- uppercase letters (A-Z)
- lowercase letters (a-z)
- numbers (0-9)
- symbols (!ӣ$%^&*)
- It must be 8 or more characters long
- It cannot be any of your four previous passwords
Your password will then need to be changed at least every 90 days and you will receive
several email reminders to do so before your password expires.
You will need to ensure your account remains active by changing your password at least
every 90 days otherwise it may be de-activated or removed from the service.