Forensic Discovery Requests

In addition to enabling Service Requests and Incidents to be raised and tracked via the SSP, additional functionality has been introduced to allow Forensic Discovery Requests to be raised. Due to the sensitive nature of these request types, all requests will undergo a review by either NHS Digital or National Services Scotland before a Forensic Discovery is approved for processing by the NHSmail Helpdesk.

The following steps aim to demonstrate how to raise a Forensic Discovery Request as well as the notifications that will be provided throughout the workflow.


  1. Select the ‘Raise a Request’ button from the home page followed by the Forensic Discovery item.



2. Select the ‘Forensic Discovery’ category from the drop-down menu. This will present you with the Forensic Discovery data capture form.



3. Populate all fields with the appropriate data ensuring the information entered is added accurately. Please note the following screenshot does not show all fields present on the data capture form.



4. Once all fields have been populated, select the ‘Order Now’ button.



It should be noted that there are some cosmetic differences with the Forensic Discovery Request item in comparison to the other Request and Incident items available on the SSP. These differences include the above ‘Order Now’ button being located in the top right of the page as opposed to the ‘Submit’ button found towards the bottom right of the page for all other items.  Please refer to section 10 for a full list of known SSP issues and limitations.



5.Once the Forensic Discovery Request has been submitted, a series of background tasks will take place. The first task will trigger a notification email to the submitter of the request informing them that the request has been submitted for review. The email notification will also consist of an RITM number which will be unique to the request. Please see the below example.


Please note that until the request has been reviewed and approved by the reviewer, a ticket will not be raised to the Helpdesk for processing.




6. In addition to the above email notification being sent to the submitter of the request, a second notification is sent to the designated reviewers of the Forensic Discovery Request. Depending on the country selected by the submitter as part of the Forensic Discovery submission, this will determine whether the National Services Scotland or NHS Digital Feedback team performs the review and either approves or rejects the request.


The following email notification will be received by the reviewer for approval or rejection. Please note that the data presented in the below email notification is sample data to simulate the appearance of the content that will be received.




On selecting the ‘Approve’ link, this will raise a ticket with the Accenture NHSmail Helpdesk to progress the approved forensic search.


7. Once the content of the Forensic Discovery Request has been reviewed by the reviewer, the option to either ‘Approve’ or ‘Reject’ the request will be provided via the selection of the relating hyperlinks highlighted above.

8. At the point the reviewer selects the ‘Approve’ link, an email reply should be automatically created within Microsoft Outlook and will look similar to the following example.





9. When submitting the reply back to the ServiceNow system via [email protected], the following should occur to ensure the response is successfully processed.

A. The response is submitted from your individual email address. Any other email domain or shared mailbox address will not be accepted by the system.

B. No changes are made to the subject line or body of the email response.


10 .Once the approval reply has been provided by the reviewer, a notification will be triggered to inform the submitter that the request has been approved.



11. he submitter will also receive a ‘Ticket Created’ notification with details of the ticket ID number relating to their Forensic Discovery request.



12. In scenarios where a request is rejected by the reviewer, a rejection reason must be added to the request by the reviewer which will be included in the rejection notification sent to the submitter.

13.  To perform a rejection of a Forensic Discovery request, select the highlighted rejection link below


On selecting the ‘Approve’ link, this will raise a ticket with the Accenture NHSmail Helpdesk to progress the approved forensic search.

14. On selecting the highlighted link above, the reviewer will be presented with the following screen within their web browser. Enter the desired rejection commentary in the Comments box followed by selecting the ‘Reject’ button located towards the top right of the request.


15. On performing the above actions, two notifications will be triggered. One notification will be provided to the submitter informing them of the rejection. This will also capture the rejection comment.

16. The second notification will be sent to the designated approvers to inform them that the request has been rejected along with the commentary provided.






Updated on 15/05/2019

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