To edit a user’s account:
1. Click Admin in the navigation bar at the top of the screen and select User Management from the drop down menu
2. Use the search box to find the user’s account you wish to edit
Refer to the Searching for an Entry article for more information
3. Click on the user’s Display Name to open the User Details Page
The procedure for editing a user’s account details is very similar to creating a new user account. The information you can change on the User Details page (shown below) is the same as that on the Create User page, with the exception of Changing an email alias, Directory Properties and Service Properties, which are covered later in this section. You can change any of these fields as and when required. Refer to Creating a user account for more information about each field of a user account
The User Details page includes a Status box which indicates if the mailbox is active/inactive, the dates it was created/ last updated, the email address of the last administrator to edit it and the last time the user logged into their account
View mailbox statistics
If you need to know the last date and time a user in your organisation logged in, the number of items in their mailbox or the amount of quota used, you can view this through mailbox statistics
See above for how to search for the user’s account you wish to edit.
Click on Show Mailbox Statistics to view the details
The user’s Mailbox Statistics will show
Edit organisational unit
To move a user’s account to a different department within the current owning organisation (e.g. switch from Leeds Teaching Hospital IT department to Leeds Teaching Hospital maintenance department) you must edit the Directory properties of the user’s account. These changes will take effect immediately and the user’s details will be updated in the NHS Directory
1. Click Edit next to Organisational Unit under Directory Properties
2. If appropriate, click the + boxes to expand the Organisational Unit options and select a new Organisational Unit and click Ok
Editing Clinical Speciality, Role and Work Area
1. Click Edit next to Clinical Speciality/Clinical Role/Work Area under Directory Properties and select a new speciality/role/ area from the drop down menu
You can select more than one clinical speciality, role or work area
Adding Administration Roles
1. Click Add next to Admin Roles under Directory Properties
2. Select the required Admin Role from the drop down menu
3. Select the Organisation to which the admin will have administrative rights over from the drop down menu. Admin rights can be added to an organisation unit by selecting the Organisation Unit
4. Click Add at the bottom of the page.
When all editing is complete:
5. Click Update at the bottom of the page
The following message will be displayed:
If you receive any type of failure notification, refer to Notifications for more information on how to address the issue