Creating a task

A task is an activity that you do not want to add to your calendar, but is something you may want to set a reminder for in order to monitor and complete it within a specified period of time

You can either create a task or set up a reminder on a received email

Click on Tasks in the navigation bar at the top right of the screen

click on tasks

Click New task at the top left of the screen

Enter the subject in the empty text field and select the due date by clicking on the Due drop down list and selecting a date from the calendarselect the due date using the calendar

Click show more details to enter in additional details by choosing from the various options in the drop down lists

You can enter a start and completion date by selecting a date from the drop down lists

fill in the form by using the drop down lists

You can set the status of your task as either Not started, In progress, Completed, Waiting on others or Deferred

You can type a number in the % complete box to detail how far through the task you are

You can set a task’s priority by choosing either Low, Normal or High from the Priority drop down list

You can mark a task as private, meaning others will not be able to see the details of the task by selecting the Mark private box

Under Total work, you can enter the time spent on the task (either by minutes, hours, days or weeks), Mileage, Billing and Companies

fill in the total work section

Type details and notes for the task in the large text box towards the bottom of the screenadd any notes

When you have finished, click Save at the top of the screen

For information on setting reminders and repetitions for a task, refer to the Setting a task reminder section of this module

Updated on 25/03/2019

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