Advanced Search for Distribution Lists

When searching for a particular distribution list or the owners of that list, if the Simple Search feature displays too many Directory entries, you can use the Advanced Search feature to refine your search using multiple criteria. You can also use the column picker to refine the search. Refer to the section Using the Column Picker for more information
Note: You will only be able to search for Distribution Lists and their members (i.e. owners, authorised senders and recipients) that you have created in your organisation.

To use the Advanced Search feature:

  1.  Navigate to the Distribution Lists screen

For more information on creating and editing distribution lists refer to: Creating a static distribution list, Creating a dynamic distribution list and Editing a distribution list.

  • Click Advanced Search at the top right of the page

Advanced Search for Distribution Lists

You can search by typing your criteria in the fields that are displayed at the top of this screen. If you want to change, add or remove fields, refer to Using the Column Picker.

  • Type your search word(s) into the corresponding display field text box (e.g. type Tommy in the Name textbox)

Advanced Search for Distribution Lists2

The results of the search will be displayed on the screen. You can search based on more than one display field at a time.

To go back to view the full list of users, delete the text from the search display fields(s)

Updated on 02/04/2019

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