Accessing Web Apps

This article outlines the required steps to log-in and start using web applications, including instructions for accessing applications on Windows 10 laptops and iOS iPads.

Once you’re logged into your device, you will be able to open three applications directly from your desktop or home screen (OcularOutcomes, Outcomes4Health and PharmOutcomes).

If you have an iPad, please go to the next section. If you have a laptop, please read this guidance to understand how to access applications on your device.

Accessing Web Apps on Windows 10

  1. On your desktop navigate to the application icon you want to open.
  2. Double-click on the application icon you want to open.
  3. A new window will open in your browser.
  4. If prompted, enter your username and password to begin using the application. You will need to complete this step the first time you open an application at the start of a session. You may be asked to enter this information again after some time has passed.
  5. You will be asked to update your details the first time you login. [add screenshot]
  6. If you are a new user, you will need to set up a security word on your first attempt to login.

    If you are an existing user, you have the option to reset your password by raising a helpdesk ticket. You can also change your security word if you have forgotten it by raising a helpdesk ticket. You will then be sent a new security word by the helpdesk to help you login.

  7. Once you have updated your details you will be redirected to the application homepage. The application is now ready to be used. [add screenshot]

Please note that after 10 minutes of inactivity, your session will be timed out and you will be asked if you want to continue working or to logout. If you select ‘continue working,’ you will be required to provide 2 letters from your security word to continue using the service.

If you encounter any issues, please contact the ATOS Support Desk by emailing [email protected]. You can also check out our Frequently Asked Questions and Help & Support Channels for some helpful tips.


Accessing Web Apps on iOS

If you have a laptop, please go to the previous section. If you have an iPad, please read this guidance to understand how to access applications on your device.

  1. On your home screen you will be able to tap the application you want to open. [add screenshot]
  2. A new window will open in your browser. [add screenshot]
  3. Enter your username and password. [add screenshot]

    You should have received a welcome email with your account username and a text message on the mobile phone number that was supplied for activating your account containing your password. If this is not received, please contact the ATOS Support Desk by emailing [email protected].

  4. Please remember to sign out from the iPad if you take a break or when you have finished to allow other people to use the shared device and to prevent other people from gaining access to data or applications using your account. [add screenshot]

    Be mindful that you are using a shared device. This means that unless you sign out from the iPad by tapping [add steps], other people will be able to access data and applications using your account details. By signing out, all session data and browsing history will be wiped. This is not the case if you only lock the device. Further guidance on ‘Using Shared Devices’ is available on the support site.

If you encounter any issues, please contact the ATOS Support Desk by emailing [email protected]. You can also check out our Frequently Asked Questions and Help & Support Channels for some helpful tips.


Quick Access to Applications

For quick access to relevant applications supporting for the Vaccine Programme, tap the links below:

A new window will open in your browser and you will be prompted to enter your username and password.

If you encounter any issues, please contact the ATOS Support Desk by emailing [email protected]. You can also check out our Frequently Asked Questions and Help & Support Channels for some helpful tips.

Updated on 17/12/2020

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