Accepting a Joiner to your Organisation

Once a user account is flagged as a Leaver, transferring into your organisation, you must accept them as a Joiner within 30 days to successfully complete the transfer. If not, the user’s account will be deleted. You can actively monitor the users that have been marked as a joiner to your organisation by following the steps below.

To accept a Leaver into your organisation:

selecting user management1. Click Admin in the navigation bar at the top of the screen and select User Management from the drop down menu



Select joiner from drop down

2. Click on Add and then select Joiner




3. Select your organisation from the organisation drop down menu

4. Click Add to the right of the Members box


5.  Use the search box to find the user’s account you wish add as a joiner

Refer to the Searching for an Entry article for more information

Select the tick box6. Select the tick box to the left of the user’s Display Name

All users marked as Joiners to your organisation will be displayed here. You can select multiple tick boxes if there is more than one Joiner

7. Click Select. 

8. Select Site from the drop-down menu


9. Click Complete at the bottom of the page

The following message will be displayed:

Confirmation message

Additional Information

  • If the user’s account is not accepted by the joining organisation within the 30 day period the account will be deleted and the email address used at the previous organisation will not be able to be created again. The user will have to request for a new email address to be set up.
  • As soon as the user joins the new organisation their Display Name will be updated based on the organisation name
  • The user’s old email address (including short-org) will remain for 90 days as an email alias for inbound mail but will not work for outbound email
  • As a user joins the new organisation, they will be removed as a member from their previous user policy and will be added to their joining organisation’s default user policy.

Last Reviewed Date 25/01/2024
Updated on 25/01/2024

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