Introduction to Skype for Business Skype for Business is the secure collaboration tool that enables you to send instant messages to colleagues using NHSmail both inside and outside of your organisation
Sending and Receiving Instant Messages When you send an instant message to someone using Skype for Business, your message will appear on their screen immediately and you can hold a conversation in real-time
Skype for Business File Transfer Guide Skype for Business File Transfer enables users to send files to each other from an instant messaging conversation window.
Skype for Business Audio and Video User Guide This guide shows you how to use video and audio in Skype for Business
Skype for Business Recording Guide Skype for Business Recording provides users with the ability to capture audio, video, instant messaging, screen sharing, PowerPoint slides, whiteboard activity and polling during Skype for Business meetings and Skype for Business calls.
Considerations for Clinical Use The Skype for Business A&VC service is secure for engaging in clinical communications, but should be used in line with local organisation information governance and policy.
Skype for Business Federation This document provides organisations, seeking to federate with NHSmail Skype for Business (SfB)
Skype for Business Audio and Video Conferencing Webinar During piloting, we identified several ways that clinicians can work with Skype for Business. This is not an exhaustive list but those detailed may inspire how your organisation can look to use Audio and Video Conferencing tools in the future.
Service Description This document provides an outline of the Skype for Business services available from NHSmail.