Browser Differences This guide explains which browsers are supported by the standard and light versions and lists the feature differences between the two
Clearing Cookies and Cached Data from your Browser If you are experiencing any performance issues whilst using NHSmail, one of the first steps of troubleshooting is to clear cookies and cached data from your browser history.
Enabling/Disabling Outlook Web App Light All users (non-transitioned and transitioned) accessing the NHSmail service using Internet Explorer (IE) 8 will be automatically directed to Outlook Web App (OWA) Light
How to Find Your Browser Version If you experience any performance issues whilst using NHSmail, you may be asked by your Local Administrator or the NHSmail helpdesk to check which browser version (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Firefox) that your computer is running.
Shared Mailbox Guide for NHSmail A shared mailbox is the new terminology for what was previously referred to as a Generic Mailbox (GM). This is a Shared Mailbox Guide
Adding and deleting a photo on your profile This allows you to either change/update your outlook picture or delete it.
Terminology changes in Outlook Web App 2013 This guide has all the terminologies that are used in OWA