Leavers and Joiners Guide This is a guidance document and outlines the actions that users and local administrators should take in relation to NHSmail accounts when a user joins and/or leaves an organisation.
8 February 2019 – Important information about your NHSmail account To make sure that you don’t miss any emails that still need to be actioned, please regularly check the ‘Junk E-mail’ folder within your mailbox, including any shared mailboxes that you manage.
17 August 2018 – NHSmail Futures and keeping your account active NHSmail is evolving to bring you the best digital collaboration tools possible, so we want to know how you use technology at work and where you would most like to see improvement in the digital services available to you.
22 May 2018 – All-user broadcast on GDPR Details of the all-user broadcast on GDPR can be found in the ‘GDPR’ section of the Portal
Accounts stuck in a status of Pending after creating If accounts get stuck in pending once being created please read this guide
Time delay in removal of Shared Mailbox ownership rights Time delay in removal of Shared Mailbox ownership rights notes
Logging into NHSmail as a new user for the first time What to do when you log into NHSMail for the first time
Help available to users All NHSmail users can also contact the national helpdesk via [email protected] or call 0333 200 1133.