Reopening a Ticket

The NHSmail Helpdesk Self-Service enables the ticket submitter to re-open a ticket should the need arise. Tickets can only be re-opened that reside in the ‘Resolved’ status. Any tickets that consist of a ‘Closed’ status cannot be re-opened and will require a new ticket to be raised.


To re-open a ticket that has been placed in a ‘Resolved’ status, the following actions should be performed.


  1. Select the desired ticket from the ‘Open Tickets’ section (Please revert to section 4 for more details).


2. Select the ‘Reopen Incident’ button towards the top left of the page. Once selected, you will be prompted to add a reason for reopening the ticket via the ‘Additional Comments’ field shown below. Once a comment has been added, select the ‘Reopen Incident’ button again to reopen the ticket.


3. Once the ticket has been successfully reopened, the ticket status will change to ‘Active’.








Updated on 15/05/2019

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