Issue Description: Creating or updating accounts in bulk using the CSV Upload functionality of the Portal can result in the creation of duplicate accounts with an incremental email address (e.g. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]) or accounts that sit in a status of Pending and do not progress to Active.
Latest Update and Guidance: Although not the sole reason for duplicate accounts and accounts that result in a pending status, the volume of accounts that are included in a single CSV Upload submission is a significant contributor to the the issues being experienced. Likewise, the timing of the CSV Upload submissions can also contribute to a larger volume of issues being experienced during processing. A fix for this issue is currently under review with the expectation that it will be deployed under a future Portal release.
As a workaround until the fix is deployed, the following recommendations should be followed:
- Submit files for CSV Upload processing in batches no larger than 1000 accounts per file. If the file contains more than 1000 accounts, you will receive an error, “Can only upload 1000 users per csv upload attempt”.
- Try to avoid submitting files for CSV Upload during times of day that usage of the Portal is at its peak. Typically this is between 09:00 – 10:30 and between 13:00 – 14:00 Monday to Friday.
- Avoid re-submitting the same file multiple times