Deleting and Retrieving Tasks

Deleting a task

Click Tasks in the navigation bar at the top right of the screen

click on tasks

Move the cursor over the task you want to delete and click the red cross to the right of it

If you are deleting an email added to the tasks list, an on screen message will appear asking you if you are sure you want to delete the email

Select Yes to delete the email from the flaggeditem and tasks list

Select yes to delete


A confirmation message does not appear on screen when you are deleting a task that you created

Retrieving a deleted task

Click Mail in the navigation bar at the top right of the screen

select mail

Click on the Deleted Items folder on the left side of the screen and search for the task you would like to retrieve in the search bar

Click Move To Tasks to move the task back to your tasks list

click move to tasks

Updated on 09/04/2019

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